Monday, February 9, 2009

Kwest vs. Poison Pen - 88 Hip Hop battles finale

As promised this is the finale of the Kwest the Madd Lad vs. battle on 88 Hip Hop, this is all I have at least. If there were any more than this or as I said before if anyone has info on these battles please post it in the comments. Poison Pen is a very talented member of the NYC collective of MCs known as Stronghold who I have some ill freestyle sessions of and will post later on. The group includes C-Rayz Walz, Breez Evahflowin, LIFE Long, and more. I believe Immortal Technique is also a member of the crew. All the sessions I have from them are off the top of the dome. This is a great battle between friends and as I said the last of these battles I have. I hope you have enjoyed them!

Kwest the Madd Lad vs. Poison Pen - 88 Hip Hop battle

1 comment:

  1. sup moody, we used to trade tapes EONs ago, I've been getting around to ripping my collection, glad to see you are still doing it. Shit, I still have some of the VHS cassettes.
